Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Question your Assumptions

Question your Assumptions
by Mr. Anyanwu Francis (edited by Onuigbo Dennis M.)

What assumptions have you already made about today and why?
Consider that some of those assumptions may no longer be accurate, and may very well be holding you back.
It’s comfortable and convenient to assume you can’t do something. Yet such an assumption quickly turns into a continuing limitation that you place on yourself.
Things that were true for you many years ago may no longer have any validity. By holding on to those old assumptions, you prevent yourself from making the most of the new opportunities that come your way.
Think of how dramatically the world has changed in the last ten or twenty years. Have your assumptions about your own possibilities kept pace? You may be carrying assumptions that were placed in your mind by people who no longer play a role in your life. Take a close look at the choices and decisions you make, at the goals and aspirations you hold, and examine the assumptions behind them.
Make it a point to regularly question your assumptions. By so doing, you’re sure to find much value that you’ve been hiding from yourself.
If this write up was interesting you can like, comment or share it for others to benefit also. You can send your own thoughts, stories or research to be published here. Remain blessed.

Economic Analysis of the Effect of Climate Change on Cocoyam Production in Nsukka LGA of Enugu

Economic Analysis of the Effect of Climate Change on Cocoyam Production in Nsukka LGA of Enugu, Nigeria
Onuigbo Dennis M. and Dr. Onyekuru NwaJesus A. (University of Nigeria, Nsukka), September, 2010

Photo by Dennis Onuigbo in Nsukka
The Research was carried out in 3 communities located in Nsukka LGA of Enugu State. It was based on the following objectives:
i. describe the socio-economic characteristics of cocoyam farmer in the area,
ii. describe the nature of climate change impact on cocoyam,
iii. describe the adaptation methods employed by the people to cope with climate change effects  the crop,
iv. ascertain the extent of climate change effect on cocoyam output in the area,
v. determine the factors affecting the adoption of different adaptation practices by the farmers,
vi. determine the effect of climate change on the market price of cocoyam in the area and
vii. make recommendations based on the findings

Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, linear, semi log and double log regression methods. Students' T' test and Chow's Test of significance were also used.
The result shows Climate Change had a significant effect on cocoyam production. A Significant drop in output and a tremendous hike in market price of cocoyam was observed across 2007/2008/2009.

The study recommended a need for policy review to combat climate change among other things.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Inner Conflict due to Pretence

This conflict is destructive yet easily avoidable.

It is the conflict you have with yourself. This occurs when the person inside is in conflict with the person you are on the outside.

It consequently drains your energy and damages your credibility.
However, you can get rid of this cog in the wheel of your freedom by following the underlisted:

- Be completely honest about who you are.
- Drop the pretence and you will realise a heavy burden has been laid off you.
- Stop pretending because even if you could manage to be convincing at times, 
   you would gain nothing of real value.
- The real value lives in your authentic person; in your sincere and deeply felt passions you will 
   find life’s most delightful and fulfilling moments.

In conclusion, expel that inner conflict due to pretence and allow your through self fulfil the wonderful possibilities that are uniquely yours.

(this was adopted from Mr. Francis Anyanwu by Onuigbo Dennis)

I hope this information can help you become yourself.