Friday, January 9, 2015

The Broken Ceramic Plate Meant Good

The Broken Ceramic Plate Meant Good
By Dennis Onuigbo Email:

I woke up this morning of 8th January, 2015 in Darmaga, Bogor  and decided to prepare my breakfast before going for lectures. As I was washing my cooking pots and plates, one of my preferred ceramic plate fell down and chattered into pieces. As I gazed at the pieces I thought of different things.

Part of my thought as I gazed at the pieces included:
1.      I will buy a new one.
2.      The new one must be better than the old one.
3.      The new one may not necessarily be very expensive because;
4.      Every new thing becomes old and fades with time.
5.      If the old one has not fallen and chattered my thoughts to get something new and better will remain submerged.
6.      I also thought of the cost implication of losing the old plate.
7.      Well, the cost of losing the old plate is the sacrifice of getting something new and better.
8.      The situation will lead me into discovery, research or different experience from my status quo.

What Lessons derivable?
Sometimes I ask why are some continents more developed that the others? Why are some countries developing at faster rate with better standards of living and technology than the others? Why are some people healthier, wealthier, brighter than others even in the same environment.

Part one: Those who are better.
1.      I think it is because those who are better have moved one step or more away from their status quo and have gathered more and better experiences in their quest to replace their broken plate with a better one. Whenever we lose or lack anything that makes our daily life easier, a need or gap is created. Those who are better identifies that need or gap and makes effort to fill the gap or satisfy that need. In the process of trying filling the gap or satisfy the need, he or she is exposed to different experiences which may have been hidden before he or she identified the need. Using our broken plate example, before now I have not thought of changing my plate. The thought came when I broke the old one this morning.
To illustrate
I could remember I bought a set of the plate around Rp. 10,000. Because I want to replace the plate I went to the market and I discovered I could buy “ two sets” of “better designed” high quality (better quality) ceramic plates at the same price of Rp. 10,000. I may sell one set of the new plate at Rp. 10,000 since its better than the old one and become Rp. 10,000 richer than when I had the old plate.

2.      If you don’t identify a gap and make effort to solve it, you will remain in the relegation zone. You will rise up in the table of better life because you acted on your needs wisely.

3.       Think of it in all aspect of your life. If you do not see a need, break your old ceramic plate and think of how to get a better one.  You are better equipped when you identify an obstructing gap around you and try to fix it. Be ready to sacrifice your old things for better ones.

Well, I do not know if you got this little illustration. Think of it again. Does it really make sense or necessary for me to write about my broken ceramic plate? Who knows if someone may grab a point from my writing it and what if I had not written it?

Thanks for reading. Please remember to leave a comment or hit like if you want.

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